Board of Directors 2024
Committee Chairs
Stuart McRobert - Website Manager
Sue Swafford & Lydia Kremer -
Editors Desert Footprints Newsletter
Lydia Kremer - Publicity & Marketing
Junco Felix - Membership Secretary
Randa Ray - Event Manager
Executive Board
MJ Outcault - President
Judy Bowman - Treasurer
Marge Snell - Ex-Officio President
Sue Swafford - Secretary
Stephane Camail - Assistant Secretary
Guy Hahn - Parliamentarian
The Desert Hot Springs Historical Society is a non-profit
501(C)(3) incorporated in 2007.
Our Mission
The Desert Hot Springs Historical Society is dedicated to preserving, acquiring, and displaying the local history of Desert Hot Springs.

60th Anniversary Celebration and Grand Opening
On January 20, 2024, we celebrated a historic milestone: the 60th anniversary of the Desert Hot Springs Historical Society and the Grand Opening of our Historic Rock House. This long-awaited event marked a significant achievement for our organization.
Thanks to the generous donations from our members, we purchased the Historic Rock House in 2019 and spent the intervening years making necessary improvements. Now, this beautifully restored building serves multiple purposes:
Archives: It houses our extensive collection of historical documents and artifacts.
Board Meetings: It hosts our monthly board meetings.
Tours: It is open on a limited basis for public tours.
On January 20th, the Riverside County Historic Commission officially dedicated the Historic Rock House as a Historic Landmark. For the first time in our 60-year history, the Desert Hot Springs Historical Society has a permanent headquarters.
We encourage everyone to visit and experience this amazing historic gem. Please check our website for hours of operation.

Our Accomplishments
Informational Cards
Provided pictures for the city offices
Soup Suppers (three times/year) featuring programs on: the environment, geology, archeology, historic people, and places of the surrounding areas.
Books Published
Images of America, A History of Desert Hot Springs
Postcards From the Desert, A Brief History of Desert Hot Springs
66050 3rd St., DHS, CA
Desert Hot Springs, California 92240
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 422, Desert Hot Springs, California 92240